"We live in a visual age facts and figures on a a page are useless to consumers... putting information its something visually stimulating is a more effective means of communicating a message."
Once I had the logo down I decided to see what my tutor as well as other students thought of it. I created a questionnaire based on an image of the logo at the top of the page. I handed out of total of 20 and received 16 back. After looking at the views, opinions and cross referencing the responses I deduced the best way to display this information would be in info graphics. Because we live in a visual age, numbers and facts on a page are useless to consumers and they would dismiss it. By putting in into a piece of graphics the information is broken down into what is necessary, applying aesthetics of design will allow me to create something visually stimulating as well as being useful. Using information from an info graphics website called informationisbeautiful.com I put the data from the questionnaire into graphics.
(insert info graphics here)
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